multiple sessions

General Information

Would you like me to provide a service to your company or organization over several days or weeks? Below is a list of my standard services, but it’s possible to customize their content and duration.

All services are available in both English and French, via videoconference or in-person. Please note that I’m based in Montreal, Canada, but can travel if necessary.

Series of 8 classes: meditation

Title: Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation

Description: This eight-hour, eight-week training is designed to motivate participants to integrate 6 to 10 minutes of mindfulness meditation into their daily lives to create concrete changes in their professional and personal lives.

Each one-hour session includes a comment and question period, new material accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation, and one or two new guided meditations. Participants receive a written summary after each session.

Request a free 25-minute information session to discover my approach!

Series of 12 classes: Qi Gong

Title: Introduction to Yuan Qi Gong

Description: To discover what Yuan Qi Gong is: see the section below. In a first series of classes, I teaches Methods 1 and 2. In the next she teaches Method 3, and so on. Typically, 20-50% of the class is seated, with a power point explaining the basics and subtleties of the movements, and the hands-on portion is done standing with lifts. No special equipment is needed.

Since Qi Gong is not very well known, I offer a one-hour trial class first, and then people can decide if they want to continue by signing up for a series of classes.

Guided meditation sessions: 30-45 min

Whether participants have previous meditation experience or not, these sessions provide immediate benefits as well as benefits for the rest of the day: greater relaxation, less mental agitation, reduced physical tension, greater mental clarity and focus, etc.

Typically, a 30-minute session is best for videoconferencing, and a 45-minute session is best for in-person sessions. The meditation itself is about 20 minutes long. Sessions are generally offered once a week, or every two weeks when alternating between French and English. Sessions are offered in blocks of 4, 10 or 4 months. Unlike courses and conferences, these sessions are not accompanied by a Power Point presentation, except for the first session, which includes a brief introduction.

15-minute mindful breaks

Regularly taking 15 minutes out of your day to meditate is an investment that pays off. It allows us to be more relaxed, more patient, more focused, more creative, more present, and so on. Ultimately, it allows us to approach the day as a better version of ourselves. Sessions take place via videoconference, offering flexibility and convenience. There’s no need to dress in a particular way, sit in a particular way or open our camera.

Like all my services, these sessions are offered in both languages. It is therefore possible to offer two sessions per week, one in each language, or one session per week alternating language from one week to the next. These sessions are not available from noon to 1 p.m. and come in a minimum block of 10 sessions.

Combining services

To create an even more lasting impact, many organizations offer combos of services. For example:

  • 1-hour conference + 4 guided meditation sessions
  • Meditation course + 15-minute mindful breaks

Let’s work together to find the right formula for your teams’ well-being!

What is Qi Gong ?

Just like there are various forms of dance or martial arts, Qi Gong (“Qi” is pronounced “tchi”) comes in different styles. Among them, Yuan Qi Gong from the Ren Xue Sytem stands out as my favorite and is the one I teach.

Yuan Qi Gong offers a beautiful blend of moving and still practices. There are four dynamic methods involving slow, graceful movements while standing, and four sitting meditative methods, including one that helps open the heart.

Beyond its ability to induce profound relaxation, practicing Yuan Qi Gong infuses life with a newfound vitality. Through gentle movements, it releases tension from the back and shoulders, eases joint stiffness, and calms the mind’s chatter, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

This holistic approach to Qi Gong not only nurtures physical health but also enhances mental and emotional well-being, promoting a harmonious balance in all aspects of life.

Experience a glimpse of this transformative practice by watching extracts from methods 1 and 3 in the video on the right, and don’t forget to explore more on my new Qi Gong youtube channel.

homme méditation en virtuel

Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation

In addition to reducing stress, mindfulness can also improve:
  • Cognitive function (focus, memory, and learning)
  • Creativity
  • Interpersonal relationships
  • Conflict management
  • General health and well-being
  • Productivity


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